Page 29 - Goaltending Essentials

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Backside Recovery in Detail
Over a decade ago goalies were never taught which leg to get up with.
They also never imagined that they would be able to move explosively across
the crease while down on their knees.
Without question, one of the most important technical advances in the
modern game is the introduction of backside recoveries. In simple terms,
backside recovery means selecting the leg that is farthest away from the
puck to initiate your recovery as we touched on earlier.
It is so simple in theory that it is surprising that it wasnʼt discovered
earlier. By using the correct leg you can get an edge on the ice and reposition
without a wasted step. If you select the incorrect leg to get up, the recovery
time is slowed, as the push leg isnʼt available initially.
The Three Pʼs
From a technical point of view, Backside Recovery can be boiled down to the
three Pʼs, Pivot, Plant and Push
These three components must happen explosively, one right after the other
with no apparent hesitation between steps.
Frequently, goalies get preoccupied with each of the steps and their backside
recoveries look staggered and full of steps. This must be avoided. The three
Pʼs should happen almost like one smooth motion without hitches.